Night of Champions

South Sound FCA Presents:
Night of Champions 2020
        A  Virtual  Event
Saturday, October 24th 6:15-7:00PM
Register at:

Click Play to stream the 2020 Night of Champions!

We hope you enjoy hearing the amazing stories and testimonies from all that have been impacted from this ministry in the South Sound.

Please join us Saturday, October 24th from 6:15-7:00PM from the comfort of your own home as we celebrate the wins of FCA and honor the Coaches and Athletes that have championed this ministry in the South Sound. 

The Night of Champions Webinar will entail:

Testimonies from Coaches and Athletes 
Ministry Highlights from Camp and Campus Ministry 
A chance to hear the vision and mission of FCA and join our team! 

Host a Watch Party

Invite a few friends over to share dinner and tune into the event.
Receive a $100 Uber Eats card toward dinner for you and your friends when you sponsor a table. (See below for sponsorship opportunities)

We are excited to show our FCA Friends, Coaches, Athletes, and Donors from all over the Country the impact FCA has had in the lives of Coaches and Athletes in the South Sound!

Sponsor a Table

Help us reach our financial goals by hosting a table in your home of 4-8 adults who are interested in learning about the ministry. 
Hosts will receive a $100 Gift Card toward dinner.
Sponsor a Table

Attend as a Guest

Make a reservation to join the Webinar and help us reach our financial goals by supporting the ministry.

Attend as a Guest

Sponsorship Opportunities

Homerun Sponsor - $500

Logo or Recognition on Event flyer

Logo on Monthly newsletters for 1 year as well as website

FCA Bible

$100 Uber Eats card for your watch party

Double Sponsorship - $250

Logo on Event Flyer and Website

FCA Bible

Recognition in 1 Monthly newsletter

Single Sponsorship - $150

Logo on Event Flyer

FCA Bible

  • Support Spencer Crace

  • Support Erin Sullenger

  • Support Jessica Squires
  • FCA Coaches Corner

    • Support our Coaches Ministry
    Give to Coaches Ministry

  • Support FCA Camps

Thank you to our Sponsors

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